SEND and the Curriculum

SENDCo: Mrs N Bower

Contact via: SEND Information - Jubilee High School

At Jubilee High School we value our students highly and it is our intention that every student will thrive and reach their full potential. We recognise that students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities may require additional support in order to achieve this. Each student, regardless of their ability, is entitled to a broad and balanced curriculum, relevant to their educational needs. As a fully-inclusive school, it is our intention to ensure that all students have their needs met within a caring and supportive environment.

The School complies with the SEND Code of Practice 2014 and will make clear the variety of processes by which a student’s SEND may be identified. Once identified, a variety of provision may be offered to students according to their particular needs. The four key areas of need as defined by the SEND Code of Practice 2014 are:

  • Communication and Interaction
  • Cognition and Learning
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health
  • Sensory and/or Physical Needs

To help ensure all students are able to learn, achieve and thrive whilst accessing our broad and balanced curriculum, we implement a wide variety of support strategies. Our aim is to help all of our students succeed in the classroom and ensure that all students receive high quality first teaching as the foundation for any additional intervention and support that may be necessary to help them achieve their potential.

Please Click here to view our SEND Information Report

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