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- School Uniform
Students at Jubilee are expected to wear appropriate uniform at all times, including on the way to and from school.
Daily Uniform:
- Grey suit style blazer with logo
- Grey jumper with teal tipping (non compulsory)
- Jubilee High grey and teal tie
- Plain white school shirt, long/short sleeves
- Traditional hard sole flat black shoes (Please see below link for examples)
- Teal and grey kilt or black suit style trousers (no leggings or skinny fit)
- Water bottle
Students will be expected to wear their full uniform to and from school and when travelling around the school and communal areas during lesson change over.
Please click here for some shoe examples
Learning Equipment:
- School bag - appropriate size to carry exercise books
- Clear pencil case
- Handwriting pens - blue/black (at least two)
- Highlighters
- Non-shatter ruler
- Pencils - preferably B, HB, 2H
- Pencil Sharpener
- Colouring pencils
- Eraser
- Reading book of their choice
Students will be expected to have all learning equipment with them for all lessons and will be responsible for taking their own school books home with them on a daily basis.
Permitted accessories:
- One watch (must be removed for school/public exams and practical lessons)
- One pair of small plain metal studs/sleepers in earlobe only
- A single, small ring on one finger
- Subtle foundation is permitted
The following are not permitted: make-up; fake tan; false eyelashes; false nails/hair extensions/nail varnish, nose/lip/brow/body piercings and visible necklaces/bracelets.
Hairstyles - no extremes of style or colour are permitted (hair can only be dyed to reflect natural colours); nor are hair extensions or hair sprays (which can be flammable).
Practical Kit
PE kit should be brought to school in a separate bag
- Black/white PE polo top with logo
- Black/white mid layer training top with logo (non compulsory)
- Plain black PE shorts/tracksuit/bottoms/skort
- Plain black and teal PE socks
- Trainers
- Gum shield
- Shin pads
Dance Kit:
Key Stage 3:
Use your PE Kit
Key Stage 4:
- JHS black dance t-shirt
- Plain black leggings
- Plain black tracksuit bottoms
Sanctions may be imposed if students are not wearing the correct uniform or appropriately equipped.
* Uniform is only available from: School Uniform Direct
School Uniform Direct, West Byfleet. Telephone; 01932354409. Website; www.schooluniformdirect.co.uk