
School governors are one of the country's largest voluntary groups with around 300,000 contributing to strategic development and raising standards of achievement at more than 30,000 schools.


Please find a list of our current local governing committee members below:

Carl Elden-Ford Chair of Governors
Sarah Cooper Vice Chair
Mark Conroy  Headteacher
Sarah Teasdale Co-opted Governor
Ange Morlacci Co-opted Governor
Kevin Pandya Co-opted Governor
Matthew Smith Parent Governor
Victoria Bramham Parent Governor
Karen Masella Clerk

The local governing committee has a range of duties, powers and responsibilities:

  • To provide a strategic view: By determining where the school is going and by ensuring that policies, frameworks and personnel achieve the school's long term aims.
  • To act as a critical friend: By promoting the school and supporting its work through the monitoring and evaluation of the school’s effectiveness.
  • To ensure accountability: By establishing targets and expected outcomes for the academic and personal development of our students and by challenging the school's leadership along the journey towards their realisation.

To contact our governors, please in the first instance write to our clerk to the local governing committee, c/o Jubilee High School, School Lane, Addlestone, Surrey, KT15 1TE.


Bourne Education Trust register of interest and meeting attendance records 


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