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Staff Contact Details
Staff List
Name | Email address |
Miss J. Abi Sleiman | abisleimanj@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr N. Adcock | adcockn@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs F. Afolabi | afolabif@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs A. Ashison | ashisona@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Miss L. Barendse | barendsel@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs M. Bettell | bettellm@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr J. Botha | bothaja@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs N.Bower | bowern@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Miss V. Buxton | buxtonv@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr C. Cartwright | cartwrightc@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Ms C. Claiden | claidenj@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr A. Claringbull | claringbulla@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Miss J. Clarke | clarkej@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs E. Collier | colliere@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs J. Conlon | conlonj@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs L. Connarty | connartyl@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr M. Conroy | conroym@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Miss S Crawford | crawfords@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr J. Crowther | crowtherj@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs S. Curr | currs@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs E. Deadman | deadmane@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs D. Dixit | dixitd@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs J. Fahey | faheyj@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr R. Forster | forsterr@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs J. Garrood | garroodj@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr J. Gibson | gibsonjo@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Miss S. Gilchrist | gilchrists@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr K. Glanville | glanvillek@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs L. Gowland | gowlandl@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr D. Harrington | harringtond@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Miss M. Harris | harrismi@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs R. Heer | heerr@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr N. Hester | hestern@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs R. Hyatt | hyattr@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs B. Jackson | jacksonb@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs S. James | jamess@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs A. Jayawarna | jayawarnaa@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs M. Joannou | joannoum@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs J. Jolley | jolleyj@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Miss N. Jones | jonesna@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Miss C. Kelsall | kelsallc@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs L. Leunissen | leunissenl@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr J. Lewis | lewisj@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs A. Lloyd | lloyda@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr R. Lloyd | lloydr@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Miss G. Lovejoy | lovejoyg@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs S. Luthra | luthras@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr S. McKenzie | mckenzies@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Miss E. Meisen | meisene@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Miss K. Mellon | mellonk@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr J. Musa | musaj@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr J. Nelson | nelsonj@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Ms. C Nicholson | nicholsonc@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs C. Palmer | palmercl@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs P. Pargass | ramjewanp@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Miss R. Phillips | phillipsr@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs A. Poojary | poojarya@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr M. Rakau | rakaum@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs P. Rani | ranip@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs P. Rose | rosep@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr P. Saimbi | saimbhip@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Ms S. Sinclair | sinclairs@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs C. Smith | smithco@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs J. Sparkes | sparkesj@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Miss L. Stratford Bell | stratfordbelll@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs A. Sutcliffe | sutcliffea@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Miss B. Thomas | thomasr@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs H. Wells | wellsh@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs L. Williams | williamslo@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr P. Worrall-Thompson | worrallthompsonp@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr J. Youles | youlesja@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Senior Leadership Team
Name |
Role |
Mr M Conroy | Headteacher | ConroyM@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs N Bower | Deputy Headteacher | BowerN@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs R Hyatt | Deputy Headteacher | HyattR@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs L Connarty | Assistant Headteacher | ConnartyL@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs A Lloyd | Assistant Headteacher | LloydA@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mrs C Smith | Assistant Headteacher | SmithCo@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr P Worrall-Thompson | Assistant Headteacher | WorrallThompsonP@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Head of Year
Name | Role | Email Address |
Mrs P Rose | Senior Leader of Transition for Year 7 | rosep@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr J. Nelson | Head of Year 8 | nelsonj@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Miss C Kelsall | Head of Year 9 | kelsallc@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr J Crowther | Head of Year 10 | crowtherj@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Mr J Gibson | Head of Year 11 | gibsonjo@jubileehigh.surrey.sch.uk |
Tutors Teams 2024-25
Year 7 | SLT Lead: Miss P Rose | |
7 SB | I2 | |
7 MJ | Miss M Joannou | L4 |
7 JN | Mr C Cartwright | L2 |
7 SC | Miss S Crawford | L3 |
7 SM | Mr S McKenzie | L1 |
Year 8 | Head of Year: Mr J Nelson / SLT Lead Mr P Worrall-Thompson | |
8 KM | Miss K Mellon (Lead Tutor) | H1 |
8 VB | Miss V Buxton | G1 |
8 SP | Mr P Saimbi | H3 |
8 SS | Miss S Sinclair | I1 |
8 MR | Mr M Rakau | T5 |
8 LB | Miss L Barendse | H2 |
Year 9 | Head of Year: Miss C Kelsall / SLT Lead Mrs L Connarty | |
9DH | Mr D Harrington (Lead Tutor) | S2 |
9 JS | Miss J Abi Sleiman | S3 |
9 PP | Mrs P Pargass | S4 |
9 KG | Mr K Glanville | S1 |
9 RL | Mr R Lloyd | S6 |
Year 10 | Head of Year: Mr J Crowther / SLT Lead Mrs A Lloyd | |
10 NA | Mr N Adcock (Lead Tutor) | E1 |
10 NJ | Miss N Jones | E2 |
10 AC | Mr A Claringbull | E5 |
10 JB | Mr J Botha | E4 |
10 AP | E3 | |
Year 11 | Head of Year: Mr J Gibson / SLT Lead Mrs A Lloyd | |
11 SG | Miss S Gilchrist | M1 |
11 JCE | Miss J Clarke | M2 |
11 JY | Mr J Youles | M3 |
11 JL | Mr J Lewis | M4 |
11 MH | Miss M Harris (Ms Dixit) | M5 |