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Have you seen the new Jubilee High?

Have you seen the new Jubilee High School? Our school is undergoing a revolution and we are incredibly excited to share our 3-year redevelopment plan with you!   

Over the past 2 years our school site has undergone a major transformation to improve our learning environment. We have built a brand new Business Resource Centre equipped with 35 computers, a dedicated teaching zone, a conference room and our newly relocated library. We have refurbished all our classrooms, added energy efficient lighting, transformed our reception and plaza areas and converted our old library into a beautiful suite for personalised learning...and did we mention our corridor areas have been refurbished too!  

Jubilee High School HIGH RES 043 Jubilee High School HIGH RES 039 Jubilee High School HIGH RES 027

So far £1.75 million has been invested and we are delighted to have completed the first 2 phases.

PHASE 3: We are currently working with our governors and the Bourne Education Trust on plans for phase 3 and will share these as soon as they have been finalised.

If you would like further information about our redevelopment or our school please email the school office on

Jubilee High School HIGH RES 010


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